We are constantly working to protect and process personal information in the best possible way.
Location and IP-adress
When you give Yr access to your location («locationbased forecast» or «nearby» for web), we use your position to get weather data and show you weather from where you are. Every time Yr gets weather data for your location, a third part (Akamai) will save this information and your IP-adress for 30 days. We do this to customize the infrastructure by usage rate and detect data attacks or other operational issues.
Analyze tools
We use different tools to track the use on our app and website. This information gives us valuable information such as most popular pages and on what times Yr is being used the most. No information that can identify persons are available for Yr.
Contact form
When you contact us through the contact form your inquiry and contact information will be saved in our feedback system (Zendesk). The feedbacks helps us improving and developing Yr. If you want your feedback to be deleted, send us a request or mention it in the contact form.
Need more information?
You can read more about NRKs privacy policy here (only in Norwegian): Personvern i elektroniske kommunikasjonstjenester fra NRK, Ivaretakelse av personvern i NRKs plattformuavhengige apper, Informasjonskapsler (cookies)